
Member Benefits

  1. General admission is free to your entire family including your parents for most GRTA events.
  2. For Ticketed events, discounted entree fee benifits for members.
  3. Discounted price for food for major events/ sports whenever possible as long the membership is in force.
  4. Priority to you and your children to participate in cultural programs and other GRTA events.
  5. Opputunity to get connected with Greater Richmond area Telugu Community.
  6. Discounted services from local businesses, when possible.

Member Type: Life Time

You can pay by downloading membership form here and sending a check to GRTA.

Note: To become a life member conditions apply, please refer to GRTA By-Laws.

**GRTA is run by a board of directors who are elected by GRTA members every year. Any member of GRTA is eligible to contest in the elections

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